For Google this trend is reason enough to massively expand advertising and tracking capabilities in mobile searching in 2012, and simultaneously to increase the requirements for mobile AdWords campaigns. Since the end of September 2011, mobile landing pages have been integrated into Google’s quality score, which means they now contribute to the ranking and costs of mobile AdWords campaigns. 79 percent of major advertising clients still have no mobile landing pages. They, and everyone else that gets traffic through mobile end-devices, will have to invest in technically optimized landing zones in 2012. Within mobile search engine marketing, the border between SEO on-page optimization for the organic index, and optimization for the SEA quality factor is becoming blurred.
Location Based Services on the up
In 2012 Location Based Services will become more and more a part of day-to-day life. Market researchers at Gartner expect to see 1.4 billion users around the world in 2014. Why? Because technologies and end-devices have now become so powerful that LBSs can offer genuine added value to users. What is more, Android and iOS – with Latitude and Findmyfriend respectively – are already supplying devices with «check-in» and «friend» tools preinstalled. Entry barriers have more or less disappeared, so for companies there is now more scope for advertising and marketing campaigns in this segment. It looks like hard times ahead for Foursquare and Brightkite.
Mobile advertising is also fun for the user
Faster processors and larger screens open up a whole new world of opportunities for advertisers. Rich media ads are creating high quality, interactive advertising tools that at least technically have the power to captivate and involve users, and tie them into the brand. Gartner predicts that up to USD 7.5 billion will be spent on advertising in 2012. For many companies, mobile advertising will be a permanent part of the marketing mix.
Location Based Services on the up
In 2012 Location Based Services will become more and more a part of day-to-day life. Market researchers at Gartner expect to see 1.4 billion users around the world in 2014. Why? Because technologies and end-devices have now become so powerful that LBSs can offer genuine added value to users. What is more, Android and iOS – with Latitude and Findmyfriend respectively – are already supplying devices with «check-in» and «friend» tools preinstalled. Entry barriers have more or less disappeared, so for companies there is now more scope for advertising and marketing campaigns in this segment. It looks like hard times ahead for Foursquare and Brightkite.
Mobile advertising is also fun for the user
Faster processors and larger screens open up a whole new world of opportunities for advertisers. Rich media ads are creating high quality, interactive advertising tools that at least technically have the power to captivate and involve users, and tie them into the brand. Gartner predicts that up to USD 7.5 billion will be spent on advertising in 2012. For many companies, mobile advertising will be a permanent part of the marketing mix.