"Another reason that brands and
their agencies have raced in to Google+ is because of the potential future SEO
value of participating in Google+. In addition, video chat feature Hangouts
offers a unique way to connect with fans/followers vs. Facebook and Twitter. If
the fans/followers/plusers don’t come all this will be relatively moot
-- Greg Sterling
The above
quote is taken from Greg's article on SearchEngineLand.com. It's
a good read. Certainly, Google+ has a lot
of ground to make up to catch Facebook, but Google+ is a very robust social
media channel, with lots of potential. I like it and use it daily--it has
a certain simplicity I admire, and a host of technical features that surpass Facebook.
As Greg infers in his article, only time will tell whether Google+ will ever
hit critical mass and be a contender.